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  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 73 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
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  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 73 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).
  • Deprecated function: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in _views_slideshow_preprocess_views_slideshow() (line 76 of /var/quarantena-freenas/2013.festivaldeuropa.eu/sites/all/modules/views_slideshow/theme/views_slideshow.theme.inc).

Civil society with its different expressing of ideas is contributing to the 2013 Festival of Europe through a series of initiatives which, across both the topics and ways of doing, mirror its abundance and diversity with a leading thread though, as opposed to the theme of the European year of citizenship, participation and democracy. Among these, initiatives related to the crisis and its ending  through a greater European integration, the European balance sheet and the necessity to have a European plan for a sustainable development, perspectives of the European integration in the security and defence sectors, a European Youth Convention and a big meeting engaging various realities of civil society in order to debate about “Which Europe” the Europeans need, different initiatives on the theme of the European rights and public wealth, and the perspective of a deployment and a broad reach public debate in support of a more and more united and democratic Europe capable of guaranteeing well-being and security to the European citizens.

The ethnic swindle: a reflection in pictures and words on the war in Bosnia, twenty years after

Photographic exhibition by photo reporter Mario Boccia. Project created and curated by James Madison University, Master of Arts in European Union Policy Studies, Florence. Captions are bilingual (English and Italian).

From protest to proposal - The citizens for transparency and efficiency of Public Administration

The event is dedicated to the presentation of an elaborated report by Cittadinanzattiva (a movement promoting citizens and consumers' rights) and Fondazione Etica (a foundation aiming to elaborate a  new idea of Italy based on modern public ethics). The objective is to make data and information about administrative activity gathered by citizens and workers, available to citizens, central and local public administration workers, the Government and all the stakeholders.

Meeting of the European Federalist Movement

What is “Europe”? The mass-media, the political debate and now even our daily conversation, up against the growing difficulties of practical life, repeat continuously and more and more this word, leading us to think that “Europe” is something fixed and already established, and therefore difficult to be modified.

Greening Usiena: The Student Network that specializes in ecology, biodiversity protection and viability at the Siena University of Studies

Greening USiena is a student network established in November 2012 and a partner of the World Student Environmental Network that specializes, from an interdisciplinary perspective, in ecology, biodiversity protection and viability at the Siena University of Studies. Through actions of student members and a collaboration of professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff and other institutions and organisations of the territory, it wants to influence the debate on the viability themes on international level and at the same time have a concrete impact on the university community.

The European Parliament as an International Actor

Proceedings of the event are now available! Download them here: English version | Italian version

University of Siena and Mediterranean Sustainable Development Solutions Network

The University of Siena is a Regional Network Center of the UN SDSN, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. This regional Network is called MED-SDSN, Mediterranean Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
The University of Siena acts as a regional hub and coordinates the activities of a network of universities, research centers and businesses interested in identifying and promoting Solutions Initiatives in the Mediterranean basin.

Voice to the ideas: social innovation told by the ones who do it

The initiative combines the storytelling formula with the barcamp methodology, offering to participants both the possibility to “touch with a hand” innovation stories and to participate in the confrontation of ideas and formulas for the promotion of social innovation

Europe, Migrations, Citizenship

Presentation of the results obtained in the setting of the CNR project “Migrations” on reality, impact and tendencies of the migratory phenomena from and towards Europe.


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