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Civil society with its different expressing of ideas is contributing to the 2013 Festival of Europe through a series of initiatives which, across both the topics and ways of doing, mirror its abundance and diversity with a leading thread though, as opposed to the theme of the European year of citizenship, participation and democracy. Among these, initiatives related to the crisis and its ending  through a greater European integration, the European balance sheet and the necessity to have a European plan for a sustainable development, perspectives of the European integration in the security and defence sectors, a European Youth Convention and a big meeting engaging various realities of civil society in order to debate about “Which Europe” the Europeans need, different initiatives on the theme of the European rights and public wealth, and the perspective of a deployment and a broad reach public debate in support of a more and more united and democratic Europe capable of guaranteeing well-being and security to the European citizens.

Building the future: water, health, food, energy

Encounter which the WRF (Weather, Research and Forecasting) is organising in the setting of the Festival of Europe has the title: Building the future: water, health, food, energy and it is directly linked to the paths the WRF has been following for years on the themes such as the water imprint.

This appointment is realised in collaboration with the European Federalist Movement.

Why immigrate? Italy as a target of migratory movements in comparative perspective


Convention “Why immigrate? Italy as a target of migratory movements in comparative perspective” will be held on Friday, 10th May 2013 at 4 p.m. at the premises of QCR Space (via degli Alfani 101R, Florence).

Chaired by Valdo Spini, President of Fratelli Rosselli Foundation Club

Coordinated by Ettore Recchi, Chieti-Pescara University


Leonardo Barcelò, Bologna University

Mjruna Caivaneanu, www.stranieriinitalia.it

“Europe passport” Professional mobility across the protagonists' testimonies


Informative meeting where the financing actions expected by the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) get described, in particular from the Leonardo da Vinci sector programme, together with the details about ways of participation.

Participants who are doing their work experience on the Florentine territory and those who have already done it abroad will be called to give their testimonies.

Procedures, questionnaires and ways for presenting a project proposal and receive financing will be talked about in the second part. 

Conversations around standard ethics: the media role in the European construction. Cases of the Banking Union and the 2020 Europe strategy

The main theme of the day will be the importance of media role in the diffusion of the European policies on the economic and social subject.

Download the programme

The panel will discuss the role by simplifying it and transmitting objectives and progresses reached by the European Union which too often appear undervalued and poorly understood by the European Union member citizens compared with a real choice they can have.

The United States of Europe to overcome the crisis

Manifestation organised by the European Federalist Movement.

City mobilization in order to say “Enough!” to Europe of governments which has widely shown to be incompetent to resolve the crisis, and to demand a democratic government for Europe. Today, solidarity and development are European or not: obtaining them depends on you, let your voice be heard!

Youth convention - Federal Europe Now!

The YOUTH CONVENTION will gather together young people and activists from the whole Europe to discuss the future of the european integration, following the route traced by the European Youth Convention organized in Florence in 1996.

A round table with representatives of young leaders of european organizations and parties will discuss the draft of a common document/manifesto, that will be then debated in small working groups and then voted by the Assembly.

Reframing Public Spheres in a Globalized World: Gender, Stereotypes and Religions

The Conference is part of the three-year National Research Project (Prin 2008-2010) “Comparing Universalisms. Public Sphere and Secularism between West and East”.
The first session will be devoted to the theoretical and methodological sides of the project. It will move from a critical revision of “situated/contextual universalism” in order to deconstruct and situate within a pluralistic perspective a constellation of concepts such as West, East and gender. This first session will host contributions from international, outstanding scholars.


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