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Appreciation of culture has always been one of the main callings of the city of Florence. Culture as an identity expression, culture as a citizenship expression, culture as a diversity value: a fundamental piece of the cultural mosaic of Europe.
Marcello Reboani and the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights present Ladies for Human Rights, a project created and developed by Melissa Proietti.
The Historical Archives of the European Union is holding an exhibition at the Palazzo Vecchio illustrating the European integration process with particular emphasis on the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950
The Historical Archives of the European Union is holding an open day at Villa Salviati with an exhibition on the role of the Archives in preserving the historical memory of the European Union.
The chapel, dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, patron of Florence, presents a complex iconography of the Zanchini family and the sacrifice of Christ. The decorative sequence begins from the ceiling, with a commemoration of the creation and then unravels on the walls with the Baptist's life. At the end of the last restoration work by students of the “Palazzo Spinelli” Institute in 2006, a closer stylistic bond was established with the works by Santi di Tito's disciple, Benedetto Veli (late 16th century).
The Luigi Cherubini Academy of Music will hold a concert for “Choir and Guitar” with musical compositions by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco – Gypsy Ballads – based on poetry by Federico Garcìa Lorca, and some free transcriptions from “The Short Life” by Manuel de Falla